9th April 2003 - Board Minutes

Minutes of Board Meeting held on Wednesday 9th April 2003

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Wednesday 9th April, 2003 at 2.00pm
Boardroom, National Blood Centre, James’s Street, Dublin 8

Mr Michael McLoone (Chairman)
Mr Tony McNamara
Dr Mary Horgan
Dr Gerry Crotty
Ms Valerie Mannix
Dr Karen Murphy
Dr Cees Van Der Poel
Ms Maura McGrath

Dr Anne O’Connor
Dr Helen Enright
Dr Liz Keane
Mr Pat Farrell

In Attendance:
Mr Andrew Kelly (A/CEO)
Dr William Murphy (NMD)
Mr Michael Healy (SEO)

1. Minutes of Meeting 12.03.2003
The Minutes of the Board meeting held on Wednesday March 12, 2003 were adopted on the proposal of Dr Mary Horgan, seconded by Dr K. Murphy and signed by the Chairman.

2. Matters Arising
Cork Design Brief
The finalised Design Brief for the Cork Centre has been sent to the Minister DOH&C.

EU Directive
Representatives of the IBTS, IMB and DOH&C will be meeting in the near future to examine the implications of the EU Directive and in particular the future role of the IMB.

3. Filling of CEO Post
The Chairman briefed the Board on the outcome of the preliminary interviews of the seventeen candidates shortlisted from the thirty seven applications received.
The Board noted and agreed that six candidates be brought for final interview on Tuesday April 29th 2003.

It was noted that the chosen extern would not be available for the full day and a replacement was agreed. The Board endorsed the selection process to be followed with the assistance of Deloitte & Touche Consultants.

4. Correspondence
The Chairman informed the meeting that Dr Elizabeth Keane had been re-appointed to the Board of the IBTS from 20.04.2003 to 19.04.2006.

5. CEO’s Report
This was noted. The IMB conducted a post ‘go-live’ inspection in Cork and there were no major issues arising.

An offer has been made to a candidate in regard to the appointment of an HR Director. Ms M. Nalty HR Manager will be resigning on 25th April 2003. Mr D. Keane, has resigned as QA Officer in the Cork Centre. Mr A. Kelly recorded his thanks to both staff members for their service to the IBTS.

It was agreed that the Corporate Governance Seminar for the Board would take place on May 14th in the NBC Boardroom from 8.30am to 11.30am.

The A/CEO briefed the Board on a Hep C case where a settlement was reached in the Compensation Tribunal.

The Chairman recorded his and the Board’s appreciation for the work of the A/CEO in the implementation of Progesa ‘go-live’in Cork.

6. Donor Study Update and Heads of Bill for Committee of Investigation

7. Report on Hepatitis C positive women exposed to Anti-D outside the Years 1977-1979 and 1991-1994

Dr E. Lawlor gave a presentation to the Board on her report. The Board acknowledged the painstaking scientific work undertaken by Dr Lawlor and her colleagues in producing this report.

8. Organisational Development and Change
MAC & IBTS Medical Department
As part of the programme of Organisational Development and Change, the role of the MAC is being reviewed. Dr M. Horgan highlighted a number of matters about the membership and operation of the MAC which should be subjected to the review. Dr Cees van der Poel briefed the Board on some issues surrounding the role of the MAC in the context of other European Services.

Dr Van der Poel agreed to prepare some pointers based on the Dutch experience and issues that faced the Medical Advisory Board and the Blood Transfusion Service in the Netherlands. The views of the IBTS Medical Consultants on the membership and operation of the MAC will also be sought in the context of discussions with them on the reorganisation of medical consultant work in the Dublin and Cork centres and its relationship with the medical work in a restructured HQ organisation. It is expected that a report will be brought to the Board by July 2003.

Bi-Lateral Meetings

Management Structure
HRS Consultants will be facilitating meetings of Senior Management in the IBTS and consulting with Department Heads to obtain feedback on suggested management models for Dublin and Cork centres and H.Q. The Consultative nature of these meetings was emphasised as it was clearly a matter for the Chief Executive and Board to decide on the appropriate structure following all the consultations.

9. Finance Committee – 25th February 2003.
Mr T. McNamara briefed the Board on the Meeting of the Finance Committee of February 25th 2003.

A draft statement by the Chairman on the system of internal financial control in the IBTS, was circulated to Board members. This statement forms part of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies and will be signed off at the Board meeting of May 14th 2003.

10. Minutes of MAC Meeting 14th February 2003.
These were noted.

11. Date of Next Meeting
The next Meeting of the Board of the IBTS will take place on Wednesday May 14th 2003 at 2.00pm at the National Blood Centre. The Board will also convene for the workshop on Governance of State Bodies earlier in the day at 8.30am.

Signed:………………………….. Date:…………………………….